“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

–Howard Thurman

If you are facing a brick wall or sitting in a black box of existential uncertainty about the meaningfulness or direction of your work life or identity, you can uncover the sources of your vocational personas, decisions and current angst, and shift into new and enlightened paths resulting in clarity, authentic alignment and renewed inner authority. If you simply want to fold more personal meaning into a current career, we also specialize in the art of  “job crafting.”  (See “Job Crafting,” below)

We go deep, so be prepared for some surprises and revelations. This is not typical career transition support — this is about recovering your soul’s voice and stepping into personal liberation and freedom to choose what really matters. The question: “Who”‘ is living my life?” can be answered. Full self-awareness changes lives. Yours can too. Programs and tools are customized to your objectives, following a complimentary consultation.



“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” 

― Jalaluddin Rumi

Whether you choose Change, or Change chooses You, the “New” awaits. Whether it’s exciting, scary or a reluctant passage, “Navigating the New” — to retain and grow the Essence of Who You Really Are — requires full, active awake-ness, awareness and management of your own inner authority. “Inner Authority” comprises the psychological and the soulful, the realist and the idealist, and the Light and the Shadow of You. This complete You, together with a partnering guide and Inner Authority toolkits, will dare to confront and query your Life’s narrative and design a future that really matters!

“We must be willing to let go of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”

— Joseph Campbell



The concept of job crafting first arose with research conducted by Professor Amy Wrzesniewku (Yale School of Management) and Jane Dutton (University of Michigan Ross School of Business) over 20 years ago. It is the process of proactively and consciously adjusting and redesigning one’s job in order to better align it (i) with one’s most important values, skills, talents and personality, and further, (ii) to honor one’s sense of inner purpose and afford substantial meaning.

“Task crafting” is examining and amending the types of tasks comprising job responsibilities – identifying, assessing, grouping and then determining opportunities to do more of what is desired and less of what is not, within the parameters of the organization’s culture and structure.

“Relational crafting” arises when people discover they are getting too much of, or not enough of human relational engagement, stimulation or collaboration, or that they find they want to relate to others outside of their immediate scope of work.

“Cognitive crafting” means adjusting one’s job to better align with emotional well-being, inner values, ideals, passions, meaning and purpose. 

Generally, companies and organizations have not been generally set up to encourage employees to personalize their jobs. However, in a post-pandemic job market, more employees and professionals are pressing for the discretion to customize their jobs to meet their highest needs, often starting with the need to work remotely or flexibly in and out of regular office hours.

While there is a substantial amount of research literature on job crafting, the following are valid conclusions:

  • Encourages you to deeply consider and experience your job in a new or different way, unlocking creativity and self-initiative, putting you in more conscious control of what you do and why you do it. With focus, there are always more resources at your disposal within any given role.
  • It enables you to position yourself well for the next step in your chosen career, or provide the basis for altering your course, based on the continuous, conscious observation (rolls into “Career Sculpting”)
  • Provides you with inner guidelines as to what to say “Yes” and “No”, and why, as others attempt to influence your job role or direction.
  • Allows you to operate in the “zone” or “sweet spot” of your work more often and deeply, which enlivens you, emitting more positive energy, productivity and added value to others. Also can reduce stress.
  • When encouraged by an employer or firm, it can increase retention or decrease the need to flee, due to restlessness or dissatisfaction.
  • Is consistent with the trend to empower people to work in their own way to get the desired results, which in turn, leads to higher productivity (note: during the pandemic, there are few material instances of productivity suffering, as people were able to flexibly work and handle other aspects of their lives without compromising their work responsibilities.
  • Helps you resourcefully use and alter elements in your job to make your work more engaging and fulfilling.

If this resonates, let’s Explore this Together!



“The greatest obstacle for me has been the voice in my head that I call my obnoxious roommate. I wish someone would invent a tape recorder that we could attach to our brains to record everything we tell ourselves. We would realize how important it is to stop this negative self-talk. It means pushing back against our obnoxious roommate with a dose of wisdom.”

–Arianna Huffington

If you find that inner doubts about your competency and performance are persistent,  you burn-out often and/or procrastinate against deadlines, these may be symptoms of “imposter syndrome.”  “Imposter Syndrome” is a pattern of beliefs of inadequacy when at work accompanied by internal thoughts and feelings of  being an “imposter,” or fraud, and that others will find out and even call you out.  This affects 70% of working people and most often, highly successful professionals at any stage of work life. This guiding, interactive 1-1 program will focus on uncovering the roots of these thought patterns and provide modern brain fitness technology and new narrative building to mind-shift into empowering thought forms and behaviors. With a professional guide and muse, you can rebuild your Inner Authority to full confidence and open up to new strategies for fearlessly addressing opportunities to progress your career, as well as those challenges that tend to trigger the syndrome.

“We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face.”

–Eleanor Roosevelt



“The most regretful people on earth are those who felt the call to creative work, who felt their own creative power restive and uprising, and gave it neither power nor time.”

–Mary Oliver


Your Creativity does matter.

It can come in the form of innovation and invention, as well as artistic expression. Artificial intelligence cannot replace it. It is ultimate self-expression that gifts others. If you’re blocked,  tend to undervalue your creativity or you want to bring it more to the forefront to honor your calling, I invite you to experience how to infuse your creative soul into what you do, and produce your own form of originality and expression.  Using narrative guiding experiences and positive intelligence technology,  we will activate your own muse and your courage to create. We’ll also explore ways to integrate your creative expression more fully into your vocational or avocational life.

“If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you: I am here to live out loud.” 

–Emile Zola