The Meraki® Muse

Inspiring, Guiding, Mentoring and Provoking "Restless Successes" and "Transitioners" to Infuse Meaning in their Work and Life, Step up to their Gifts and Stay on Purpose

Simply, the vision of The Meraki Muse is directed toward greater satisfaction with your vocation and your life (together, your “Life-lihood.”) To do this requires tremendous self-knowledge and self-discovery, followed by the release of belief systems (which may include symptoms of  imposter syndrome)  that are false or which no longer serve you. Whether it is career design or job crafting to make it better, transitioning to the New or Different, or gaining insights about yourself that enable a more confident personal and professional path and career platform, The Meraki Muse can assist. 

If you find yourself  in a new phase which invites new questions of life purpose and meaning, the veil can be lifted.  

    Work and Live "Meraki" How I Can Help You

    "Meraki" is the art and state of infusing the Essence of Who You Really Are into What You Do and How you Live. Who you really are is Awake, aware and alive. Let's go there!

    • Pour your Calling into your Work

      Purpose, Calling and Vocation

      Pour your Calling into your Work

      Vocation derives from “vocare” meaning “to call.” I will work with you to delve deeply to uncover  and empower the True You that is ready to answer your own call.  My personalized facilitation programs and assessments will gently reconnect you with your Original Essence which was either forgotten, suppressed, abandoned or forsaken. What You are Meant to Be and Do is a Hero’s Journey and not a destination. It’s time to reactivate your Path.

      Learn more
    • Uncover Your Story, Transform your Life

      Life and Work Transitions

      Uncover Your Story, Transform your Life

      In facing a significant transition or life passage (e.g., career dissatisfaction, mid-life angst, retirement, aging, etc.), you may be subject to conscious or unconscious behaviors and thought patterns that no longer serve you. In turn, this can hinder your true inner authority to move forward freely into the new and different. Your own narrative will serve as the material to reveal the recurring themes and thought patterns of your life.  Using certain guiding processes, mind fitness technology and narrative coaching, I can help you create a new, fully authentic and fulfilling pathway that addresses the fear and anxiety of change.

      See how
    • Transform Work to Spark Growth, Meaning and Purpose

      Job Crafting

      Transform Work to Spark Growth, Meaning and Purpose

      If you are questioning whether your work role or job is no longer serving you — intellectually, relationally or from a growth and opportunity standpoint,  a deep examination for what matters most may be warranted. There are ways to begin to conform your job role and career planning to reflect the most satisfying elements, and to make those changes to elicit more well-being, meaning and sense of purpose.

      Look Deeper
    • Step Up into Your Innate Greatness (KIss Imposter Syndrome Goodbye!)

      Fearless at Work

      Step Up into Your Innate Greatness (KIss Imposter Syndrome Goodbye!)

      There is something about having to perform at work that triggers a lot of self-defeating self-talk that can make us feel like we don’t belong or are not up to expectations. This can happen especially if we already have accomplished so much, and exceeded the very standards at the time we believed we could not attain.

      Let's Get into This!

    If you are ready to learn more and have a complimentary conversation, please book a call.

    Client Reflections

    • “Angelique's coaching was a compelling experience of discovering my authentic self... exposing further the depths and dimensions of my being through targeted exploration. An enlightening and trustworthy traveling companion in my journey and soulful metamorphosis, intuitively guiding, inspiring, nudging, providing needed encouragement to 'go there,' 'go to those places' and the 'heart to hearts' that unfolded buried layers and released a wellspring and explosion of creativity, stoking deep confidence and focus."

      Corporate Finance Executive
    • "I was stuck as partner in my law firm doing work that I grew out of, and was growing increasingly unhappy, frustrated and burnt out. Working with Angelique enabled me to assess the essence of my talents and my passions in creating business relationships and, with a plan, I transformed my practice from litigation to a corporate, focusing on building our client base. I now love what I do, and it has rippled out to my personal life --my family could not be happier."

      Partner, Law Firm